Clubs and Partners » Student Council » Associated Student Body (ASB)

Associated Student Body (ASB)



 Students work together to organize and run school events. Our purpose is to cultivate school spirit as well as practical skills like budgeting and money management. Meetings are held during class times and official meetings are held during lunch periods.


Our ASB is made up of officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer).  



  Shall preside at all meetings of the   Association and the Student Council.

  Shall call special meetings whenever necessary.

  Shall prepare and set student council agenda.


  Shall carry the work of the President in his/her absence.

  Shall see to it that all committees appointed function accordingly.

  Shall preside at all Associations assemblies in the absences of the president.

  Shall assist in setting student council agenda.

  Shall preside over ASB committees.


  Shall take roll at each meeting and keep attendance of all meetings.

Shall record and make copies of the minutes of the Student Council meetings and file records of all council business transactions.

  Shall handle all council correspondence.

  Shall do all the official secretarial work of the Student Council.


Shall take care of all money of the association under the direction of the council and council advisor(s).

  Shall make financial reports on Association events or activities.

  Shall approve and countersign all expenditures made by council’s approval.

Commissioner of Clubs and Organizations

  Shall be the official Student Council representative to any club/organization.

  Shall preside over the inter club council meetings.

  Shall report club/organizations concerns to the student council weekly.

Commissioner of Spirits/Social Activities

  Shall be in charge of all PEP rallies and special assemblies.

  Shall preside at PEP rallies and special assemblies.

  Shall be in charge of promoting school spirit through class/school pride.

  Shall be the official liaison between PEP groups and the student council.

Shall work in cooperation with the ASB advisor in planning and preparation of assemblies, concerts, and shows.

Commissioner Athletics/Awards

  Shall be a liaison officer between the Athletic and Student Council

  Shall work in cooperation with the coaches and assist the administration in the organization and presentation of awards/athletic awards.

  Shall report all athletic events to the student council weekly.

Commissioner of Publicity

Shall be in charge of posting announcements/posters for class and council activities and events.

  Shall be responsible for bulletin and showcases within the school              

  Shall be in charge of removing all old publicity.

  Shall assist the ASB advisor with approving advertisements of clubs/organizations for activities and events on campus